How To Fix Your Busted Kettlebell Swing!

Audio Transcript:

Hey guys I’m Jamie Dixon, owner of The Fit Facility in downtown Florence, Alabama. Today I’m going to talk to you about the kettlebell swing. I'm going to tell you some common mistakes, and I’m gonna show you how to fix those things. So first and foremost it’s really important that you understand that the kettlebell swing is a hip dominant movement, it's not a knee dominant exercise.

Common kettlebell mistakes

Too many people are trying to turn this thing into a front squat. Second, I’ve noticed a lot of people are using their upper body, that’s a no go. Your upper body is here just to hang onto the kettlebell, so you don't propel it through the wall. Third people aren't engaging their midsection. You've got to engage your core the entire time. You'll notice that if the kettlebell ever comes down past your knee caps, more than likely, you're a limp noodle and you are not engaging your core. So look, i'm gonna show you some bad ones, I'll show you some good ones, i'm gonna talk you through it and we're going to fix that busted swing.

Examples of poor kettlebell swing technique

This is an example of poor technique, i'm bending my knees way too much. I'm not allowing myself to use my hips to generate power. I'm pulling on the kettlebell with my upper body which is causing my spine to become overextended. Lastly, you can tell that my midsection isn't tight because the kettlebell is coming down, past my knee caps. 

Example of good kettlebell swing technique

This is an example of a good kettlebell swing. I'm pushing my hips backwards, thrusting them forward, and that's whats generating the power to propel the kettlebell forward. My arms are simply there to hang on to it and guide the kettlebell upwards. My midsection is tight the entire time. 

So guys, I hope those quick tips were enough to help you fix your busted swing. Look, just remember it's a hip dominate exercise, not a knee dominate exercise. You'll drive your hips back, thrust them forward, and that's what will generate the power to propel the kettlebell. Your arms are just them to guide the kettlebell upward, if they weren't there, you'd put a hole in your wall. Lastly, keep a tight core the whole time. If the kettlebell is coming down past your knees, you're not staying tight and will probably have a little bit of low back pain. 

If these tips helped you out, like your facebook page. Follow our instagram account. Slide in the comments below and let us know how it helped you out. If it didn't help you out, don't leave a comment, I don't wanna hear from you. Don't be a Negative Nancy. I'm just kidding. If it didn't help you out, it takes practice, use a mirror to see what you're doing wrong. Or film yourself. Your phone is a great tool. Use it. That's all i've got tonight, would love to hear back from you, give us a follow!